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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Crafting - 70s style

At the Arts Centre we're gearing up for our 'Now That's What I Call A Recession' festival this weekend, which is 1970s/80s themed.

I've been putting together craft projects from this 70s book for the kids to do at the festival.

Paper lanterns.

Tissue paper flowers.

A spinny thing...

A dragon!

And my favourite; these finger puppets.
I probably spent longer on them than I should have, but I don't care.
The cat even has a tail on the back!


  1. These are so great! And kind of bringing back memories. :)

  2. Hi! Just found your blog on UKhandmade. Love the fingerpuppets! Especially the owl. I would follow you but I have just got a WordPress blog and have no idea how to follow a blogspot blog!!

    Emma :)


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