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Saturday, 5 May 2012

House progress: Rubbish bin

For the narrative side of my house I had to make a rubbish bin.

For this I had to be the crazy girl in the street taking photos of her own wheelie bins.
The whole thing is made of paper and card. Oh and a paper clip may have been involved.

The bin has been knocked over (the tyre marks in the background may have had something to do with it) and all the rubbish bags are spilling out.

I loved making this bin.
Is that weird? It's like when I made this toaster.
It was nice to make one small object from beginning to end in one sitting, and try really hard to make it really detailed.
I love it so much I'm tempted to exhibit it on it's own for the degree show!
Kidding. I haven't spent three months making the rest of the house for nothing.


  1. Wow!! Amazing work on the rubbish bin. It looks like the real thing. If you had not said it was paper I couldn't have even guessed.

  2. It looks exactly like a real garbage can, this is excellent work.


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