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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Plinths and podcasts

I've finally got round to painting the plinths I made last term.
It took a long time and I ache from it. And yes I will complain about it to anyone that asks.
Sometimes they don't even have to ask.

This shot was mainly to prove to you that I was wearing a skirt under that paint shirt.

As dull as this task was, I made it a bit more bearable by listening to some podcasts.
Here are some of my favourites;

I discovered these guys when I was on holiday in New Zealand in 2008 and they were on Rove.
When I got home I googled them and discovered their radio show and it's podcast.
It's not quite the same since they cut down to only one show a week, but it's better than nothing.
And they're coming to Europe this summer and doing a weekly show from London.
Must get tickets!

I got introduced to Dan Savage with this video when it was posted on Yes and Yes.
Then my house mate informed me he has a podcast.
He gives out relationship advice, but not for the prudish.

This comes from Alexi Wasser's imboycrazy.com, and this is another relationship advice show but more for teenage girls.
I tend to just stream this from my laptop and like having it on in the background.

I'm still pretty new to this podcast. As in, I've only listened to one episode. But it was a special 2 hour edition for their 100th episode.
These three brothers also answer listeners questions but unlike Dan and Alexi, they don't expect you to take their advice seriously.
These guys, along with Hamish and Andy, have made me perfect my giggle-disguised-as-a-laugh, for when randomly laughing out loud isn't socially acceptable.

For when you want to feel a bit cultured.
I pick and choose which episodes I want to listen to based on the topics, and use it as a break from the advice and the hilarious.

Are there any other podcasts that you think I should be listening to?

1 comment:

  1. Oooh I love Savage love too! My other faves are WTF with Marc Maron, On the Media, and The Pod F. Tompkast. I've been meaning to write a blog post just like this about my favorite podcasts. Hopefully I'll get around to it soon!


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