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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Old Paintings and an Interview

First up, Tera Sue interviewed me about being an art student over on her blog.
Feel free to have a read

And now on to regular proceedings.
I usually show you guys new paintings, but how about some old ones.
I've been looking through the archives (archives = random folders dotted around the house) and picked out some beauties.

A fireplace.
I think this was the first painting I did with my new fancy set of watercolour paints. I was 10.
I painted it completely from my imagination. I know, impressive right?

And here is photographic proof of me doing the painting. Note the fancy set of paints.
I think a photo of me painting now would look a lot similar, same set up, except now I wear my paint shirt the right way round, not buttoned up at the back like a dork.

These two are still life painting from around the same time.
Get them to the Louvre. What masterpieces.

This one I actually am proud of.
I mean my parents framed it and it's still hanging in the house.
I was 14 when I did this using chalk and charcoal which I used to love using. Maybe I should pick it up again once my degree show pieces are all done and out of the way.
Oh, and it's a random javelin man from google. I have no idea why I decided to draw it.

If you want to see some more of my artwork from way back when then look here and here.


  1. I love these! Wish I had more of my own old paintings, the ones I've kept are so funny.

  2. This is so much fun to watch! I think I have some old drawings lying around as well, now I want to look them up!




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