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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Switching up a long dress

My Mum was throwing out this long black dress (age 12 from the 90s!) so I kept it with the intention of switching it up. I'm 5 foot almost 2 so long dresses aren't my jam.

It was only a matter of time before I tried the dropped hem/high-low/waterfall/fishtail style.
If someone could just pick one name for it, that would be great.
(It would have been sooner but I forgot where I put the dress. I discovered it when I was looking for my old jumpers for camp.)

I made the top part of the dress a little fancier by plaiting strips of the fabric that I cut off the bottom and sewing them to the top.

I also made two more plaits for the back which attach to the straps.

I first saw a diy for this style on a pair and a spare, where they fishtailed a long skirt, but there are tutorials all over the internets.

Oh, and this dress gives me the power of levitation.

1 comment:

  1. Great transformation! I especially love the new hem.




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