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Monday, 6 August 2012

Camping style

 I'm back from a wonderful week camping so I thought I would share my style when living in the great outdoors.

Jumpers are a must. The outdoors can be chilly!
I like to dig out my old school jumper because I don't mind if it gets muddy, and it still fits so I might as well use it.
The school logo is very small; just a little yellow antelope I think.
Finding shorts to match is a bonus.

The outdoors can also be wet.
We were quite fortunate with the weather last week but we did get caught in the odd shower so having a plastic poncho stuffed in my pocket ready to go was a great idea.

I've got so many dresses now that I'm able to demote some of them to 'camp clothes'.
My criteria for camp clothes include; if was a hand-me-down, if it's damaged, if it's ill-fitting or if it's just pretty old.
This blue dress is both a hand-me-down and damaged as it has a few small holes in it.

Let me also draw your attention to my wellies. Shiny red cowboy boot wellies!! 

And while we're on the subject of footwear; I woke up to this one morning.


  1. I'm a little bit in love with the cowboy wellies! So awesome. You look like a very stylish camper! Whenever I'm camping it's just some snazzy wellies, massive waterproof jacket and some ancient jeans and Girlguiding event tshirts/jumpers..

  2. The first outfit is cute, camping or not. :) And the last photo really gave me the willies. I once had a slug crawl onto my foot when I was wearing sandals. It was dark and I just felt something on my foot so I said to my friend to shine a light on my foot and I saw the slug and freaked out!! We weren't camping, but just in the backyard. I don't think I've ever recovered. Haha.


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