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Thursday, 21 June 2012

T-shirt to dress

I think I'm getting better at this sewing business.
Like my new dress?

When I was sorting out my room I found this t-shirt that I'd intended to use as a pyjama top but I never wore it.
Years ago I'd used it to try out printable transfer paper. Not so cool now.

I found a couple of tutorials about how to make a t-shirt into a dress, like this one and this one, and modified them a bit too make them less little-girly.

I even got adventurous and chose to add a peter pan collar.
I made the pattern myself so it's a bit wibbly, but for a first attempt it's not too bad at all.

I added a waist band to give the dress more shape which is attached at the front but not at the back so I'm able to tie/un-tie it.
I also made an under layer for the skirt as the brown fabric is a bit thin. 

I like it.
I like it a lot.


  1. That is absolutely adorable. I probably would have just thrown that shirt away. You are so clever!

  2. Love it! I think I might do something similar soon :)

  3. This dress is the cutest ever! I would totally wear this. I love the matching peter pan collar!

    xx Adrian


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