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Saturday, 12 May 2012

Bring out the bleach

I bought this crop top from New Look in the January sales for £1. Bargain!
I won't tell you what size it is.
Ok, it's age 9.
I blame the fact its meant to be loosely fitting and cropped as to why it fits me.
Because this top is 12 years my junior!

Anyway, because the top is kinda boring, and only £1, I wanted to customise it.

I started by going crazy with fabric pens/paints/crayons with hopes that it would look cool and graffiti-y.
That did not happen.
So I tried to wash out the paint but that didn't happen either.

Then I thought back to loads of tutorials I've seen floating around that use bleach on t-shirts.
(And at this point I didn't care if I messed up the shirt because it was pretty far gone already, and was only £1. Did I mention that?)
So I taped out a diamond shape and filled up a spray bottle with some water and bleach.

The diamond image didn't come out as crisp as I thought it might, but I think it looks cool this way. My sisters think it looks like the Superman logo, rather than a diamond. I guess they're right.
I got a little spray happy/impatient, because when I didn't see instant results from the bleach I just sprayed on more instead of waiting.

My favourite part is the shoulders where you can really see the spray of the bleach against the original colour.

Now it's just a case of what to wear with it!


  1. This is so cute! I love what you've done with this top. The bleach spray on the shoulders does look incredibly awesome!

  2. awesome. i vote the yellow shorts.


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