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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Sewing shorts

 One of the things I love about being at home is that when I get an idea to make something I can just go ahead and make it, because a) I have the time and b) I have all the materials to hand.

So when I got the idea over Easter to make a pair of pyjama shorts I hopped to it and got them done pretty quickly.

I've had this pale green polkadot fabric for a while, I picked it up at a jumble sale for ridiculously cheap, and I suddenly decided it would make a cute pair of pyjama shorts.

I made the pattern pieces based on an existing pair of pyjama trousers and got sewing.
The great thing about pyjamas is that they don't have to fit exactly, which was a relief for me as I don't always know what I'm doing when it comes to garment construction.

I even got a little fancy and managed to sew this cute lace trim into the seam of the waistband.
I opted to tie the waistband with ribbon rather than elastic and managed to find some that matched the trim.

No parents, I didn't jump on your bed while you were on holiday...
I'm really proud of myself for managing to make these.
The same proud after making this skirt.
The shorts fit fine, are pretty comfortable, and are super cute.


  1. I love these! I'm dying to try a pair of pyjama shorts or pants but haven't found the time just yet!

  2. These are so adorable! I'm gonna have to make some for summer time sleep wear.


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