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Monday, 16 January 2012


Friends, I have nothing new to show you today.
I know, I have let you down.
But between writing my dissertation, working towards my exhibition this week and having no camera with a macro setting; I got nothing - unless you want to see my dissertation. Which you don't.

So instead why don't you go and look at some other blogs that should have awesome stuff for you to see.
I'll take you through some that I look at regularly.

There are blogs that I officially follow, like;
I keep this on my blog list for the days when I can say 'Yes!!' in agreement.

Because it's just so cool over there and Sarah is the best.

Do I have a house that I'm currently renovating? No.
Do I have a child that I need parenting tips for? No.
So why do I read this blog? No idea, but I do and it's been on my list for a long time.

Backyard Bug Party
This photo never fails to make me laugh, and I've had it saved on my computer for years.
From Flickr
Then there are the blogs of my followers that I like to go over and peruse, including;
I often have a look at what Alice has been up to. I like seeing what life on the other side of the world is like.

Megan makes living in the UK look terribly romantic and lovely and I've been loving the conversation confusions she's been posting between her Californian self and her Irish boyfriend.

Rena is incredibly creative and she came up with the best ornament ideas over Christmas.

I took this way back in 2007. Still funny
And then there are the blogs that I haven't committed to officially following but I visit them regularly and read several posts at once.
I love Elycia's hair and her style and her vlogs.

I pop in on all of the Red Velvet girls but Katie has the cutest dresses and I love all of her little creations.

I'm off to put up my exhibition, and I'll be sure to share photos later in the week!

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