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Sunday, 7 August 2011

I'm back!

Panic over people, my laptop is back.
It had a virus (eep!!) but the folks over at PC World made it all better.

Anyway, right before that all happened one of my very best friends turned 21.

Her boyfriend made her the most awesome cake. A giant cupcake with many little cupcakes around the edge.
And it tasted goooood.

Here's the card I made her.
I thought I'd give 3D decoupage a try.

I printed out the same photo four times (taken from our Cromer beach trip).

Then cut out more and more sections out of each photo and stuck them on top of each other using sticky pads.
I think it makes a regular photo look a bit more special.

1 comment:

  1. i seriously want to eat that strawberry cake right now! hope u had a wonderful birthday. fun photo project!



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