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Monday, 18 July 2011

CSI: Cake Scene Investigation

It was my birthday at the weekend!
I turned 21.

My birthday cakes aways reflect my current interests so this year I made it CSI themed.
(See my previous birthday cakes here and here)

The scene was a roadside with a dead body, pieces of evidence and some recently unearthed ground with a shovel.

I used Playmobile people for the team and made little CSI vests for them out of felt.

Here's Jim Brass and Grissom discussing the case.

Greg Sanders looking at a tyre mark.

Nick and Doc Robbins inspecting the body.

Catherine pointing at the dirt, and a suspicious gooey substance is marked.

Here's my friends cutting into the cake to find out what had been buried. The gooey stuff was a clue.

It's gummy bears!!

I didn't want to ruin my cake by sticking candles in it so I put them in the strawberries that were in the middle of the jelly.
It was two-tone fizzy jelly and it was awesome.


  1. Wow that cake is so amazing i love it your are so talented lady !!! XXX

  2. happy birthday! if you were in the States I'd say drinks are on me but since you're a lucky-duck European (and I'm underage....) you're paying missy. My friend would totally love that cake-its so cute!!

  3. Happy birthday! And your cake is awesome:)


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