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Friday, 2 July 2010

My Model Room: #3 Carpet

After much deliberation I decided to use a jumper for the carpet in my model room. I searched through charity shops but in the end found this splendid size 14 wrap around cardigan for £2 at my local market. Buying a piece of felt the right size would probably have been just as much money, if not more, and using actual carpet would have been too thick.
The colour of the cardigan is a little darker than my carpet, but I didn't think I was going to find anything better so I went with it.

I cut the shape of the floor from the back panel of the cardigan, and still have loads of fabric leftover. Then I stuck it in place with PVA glue.

Next I needed to make the skirting board so I gathered lollipop sticks, cut off the rounded ends and carved an angle into them. This took a while. Ideally I would have preferred long strip of wood, instead of having to join lots of little ones, but you work with what you have.

I did get to use my new craft knife set though. It was 99p (from the 99p shop of course) and it all comes in a pink case. Winner.

Then I painted the pieces of skirting board with white acrylic paint and stuck them in place with PVA.

Next up; the window

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