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Friday, 18 June 2010

My model room

I'm now on my summer break from university, a whole 3 months, and I've set myself the project of creating a a model of my bedroom, to continue with my miniatures theme. It's going to be at a scale of 1:10, which makes measuring things a lot simpler because I only need to divide by 10.

I started by doing a lot of this.
Going around my room with a tape measure and recording the dimensions of everything. I want the model to be as realistic as possible.

This box is the main structure of the room. It's a little bit too long and not quite wide enough, but I don't think I'm going to get any better. I cut the top of it off so it's the correct height.

Then I blocked in the main features of my room; the airing cupboard, the doors and the window.

Next up; wallpapering!

Check back regularly to see how I get on over the coming weeks

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