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Wednesday, 23 June 2010

My model room: #2 Wallpaper

Wallpapering time.
This part of the project is very realistic as I used the left over wallpaper from my actual room, so I didn't have to try and create the same pattern.
I cut the paper into more manageable strips and ended up using a combination of double-sided sticky tape and pva glue to stick it to the walls. This was not easy. The glue made the paper wrinkle and the tape kept coming unstuck.
I've never wallpapered an actual room but I don't want to after this experience as I imagine it will be 10 times as difficult!

I did have some help though; Jack Shepard from Lost was on hand with the glue.

Charlie was also around but he just sat on the parcel tape drawing on his fingers. Some people eh!

Mission accomplished. I'm hoping it will look neater once I get the carpet and all the skirting boards in.

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