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Monday, 28 June 2010

Bargain time #2

At the weekend I went to a car boot in my village and scored this bag of beads for £1. Bargain!
Lets delve inside...

These pretty flower pieces which have holes so they can be strung together.

This awesome pendant, it's a got a couple of gems missing, but I'm sure I can replace them.

A few religious pieces

A handful of yellowy gems.

Some girly pendants.

And a whole lot of little beads! It was at this point I realised tipping the bag out on my carpet perhaps wasn't the best idea. It took forever to pick them all up again.

Keep an eye out to see what I create with these goodies.

1 comment:

  1. I love random crafty finds at car boot sales^^

    I especially like those pretty flower pieces with the blue - gorgeous!


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