Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Greetings Cards

Here's a few greetings cards I've been working on.

The first set are some last minute Christmas cards I made for the art teachers I work with using the stag lino cut I made a couple of months ago. To make them more Christmas-y (and cover up the slightly messy prints) I added gold paint and red noses.

The second set were cards I wanted to get printed for a while but was just waiting for the right offer. £5 credit combined with cyber Monday deals made printing these cards with Photobox more affordable. I used this scanned paper image from a while ago. I think it's really fun and it will work as a birthday card or congratulations card.

1 comment:

  1. I love these cards so much! The stags are really great, their red noses are pretty funny. The yellow card with you jumping is the happiest thing ever! xx

